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January 6, 2020

Office of the Comptroller Issues Fiscal Year 2019 Statutory Basis Financial Report

The seal of the Office of the Comptroller. The seal is a blue ring with the words Office of the Comptroller, Massachusetts. Inside the blue ring is a yellow ring with the words Clarity, Accountability, Integrity. Inside the yellow ring is the State Seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
updated January 7, 2020

Today, Comptroller of the Commonwealth Andrew W. Maylor issued the Commonwealth’s Statutory Basis Financial Report (SBFR) for Fiscal Year 2019, the period that ended June 30, 2019.

The SBFR is a statutory requirement of the Office of the Comptroller, which is charged under Massachusetts
General Laws, Chapter 7A, Section 12 to file the SBFR with the Governor, the Secretary of Administration and Finance, the House and Senate Ways and Means Committees, and the Clerks of the House and Senate by October 31 following the close of each fiscal year.

The enactment and signing of the final FY19 Supplemental Appropriations Act took place on December 13, 2019. As a result, this office was not able to file the SBFR by the statutorily required date.

“I anticipate that beginning with Calendar Year 2020, the Office of the Comptroller will proceed with closing the fiscal year, certifying the consolidated net surplus, and issuing the Statutory Basis Financial Report using a timeframe that allows compliance with the relevant statutory deadlines and I stand ready to work with the Governor, House, and Senate to do so,” said Comptroller Maylor. “This is in line with good governance and best fiscal practices and will avoid any potential downstream consequences of late budgetary reporting.”

The 2019 Statutory Basis Financial Report has been posted on

This year’s report uses as its theme “Inspirational Women from Massachusetts History”. The Office of the Comptroller is proud to use this publication to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of Lucy Stone, Clara Barton, Sarah Parker Remond, Anne Sullivan, Henrietta Swan Leavitt, Jennie Loitman Barron, and Christa McAuliffe.

About the Office of the Comptroller

The Office of the Comptroller of Massachusetts is the uniquely independent and apolitical overseer of more than $60 billion in governmental and other funding sources annually. In addition, the Comptroller oversees the Commonwealth’s expenditure and payroll management and major audit functions promoting security, transparency, accountability, and service delivery across all branches of state government. The powers and obligations of the Comptroller are generally dictated by M.G.L. c.7A.

We strive to be a model for good government and to protect public resources by mitigating the risk of fraud, waste, and abuse while promoting transparency. Our core values include: Teamwork, Communication, Excellence, Service, and Trust.