October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month
Throughout the month of October, the Office of the Comptroller (CTR) will mark Cybersecurity Awareness Month with “31 Days of Cybersecurity”. Our goal is to help employees throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts protect public resources as well as their personal identities and property.
All month long, CTR will be sharing multimedia resources on our CTR Cyber Page at MAComptroller.org and our social media platforms. Don’t miss any of our days of content by following the Office of the Comptroller on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with the hashtag #31DaysofCybersecurity.
We hope this content will engage and instruct our followers to be able to identify, prepare for, and avoid cyber attacks.
Multimedia resources will include:
- PVR – Pause Verify Report
A new campaign to make cybersecurity simple for employees with three easy action steps. CTR will also be posting free employee cyber awareness training videos.
- CTR Cyber 5
A series of short videos featuring guest experts from the public and private sectors introducing their five cybersecurity tip - Cybersecurity Tips
Blog posts on general cyber hygiene and awareness
- Enterprise Information Security Policies and Standards highlights
Social media content highlighting each of the standards published by the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security
For daily cybersecurity content follow the Office of the Comptroller on MAComptroller.org and social media and search for #31DaysofCybersecurity.