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December 4, 2019

Comptroller Maylor’s Letter to Governor, Senate President, House Speaker regarding Close of FY2019

The seal of the Office of the Comptroller. The seal is a blue ring with the words Office of the Comptroller, Massachusetts. Inside the blue ring is a yellow ring with the words Clarity, Accountability, Integrity. Inside the yellow ring is the State Seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Today, December 4, 2019, Comptroller of the Commonwealth Andrew W. Maylor sent correspondence to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the Secretary of Administration and Finance, as well as the chairs of the House and Senate Ways and Means Committees, and the Clerks of the House and Senate. The correspondence details the actions that will be taken on December 11, 2019, to close Fiscal Year 2019 in the absence of the enactment of supplemental appropriations legislation by 3:00 pm of that date.

View the letter to the Governor, Legislature, and Secretary of Administration and Finance.

View the spreadsheet detailing the accounts in deficit.

View the Comptroller’s previous (November 21) correspondence.